Representation of the Mara Conqueror
Pedigree of the Dhammakaya Line
The Heart of the Family#3
The way to practice self – control is to be alert and to train oneaelf without exception, by giving oneself more knowledge, ability, and goodness everyday
What is the historical background of the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat and the activities of monks during these months?
This period of the year is known as the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat. I would like to know the historical background of this religious event and the activities of monks during these months.
โครงการอบรมธรรมทายาทนานาชาติ ปี 2554 (IDOP)
อุปสมบทหมู่พระธรรมทายาทนานาชาติ หรือชื่อภาษาอังกฤษว่า International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP)เป็นโอกาสอันดีสำหรับชาวต่างประเทศที่สนใจมาปฏิบัติธรรม และศึกษาพระพุทธศาสนา
Three Years of Silent Retreat
The Main Buddha Image Celebration at Dhammakaya Bavaria Temple
The Main Buddha Image Celebration at Dhammakaya Bavaria Temple in Germany.
Monks complete four-year retreat
In the Arizona desert, Buddhists will embark on a three-year silent retreat
Jakarta Temple Honors the Old Ways of Buddhist Monks